
Researchers have also discovered that environmental influences

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition that occurs when an immune system attack normal tissues as if it were invading antigens. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of tissues around joints as well as other organs in the body. The feet and hands are among the most affected regions of rheumatoid arthritis , but it may also affect any joint that is lined with membrane. Rheumatoid arthritis is described as a systemic illness and is sometimes referred to as rheumatoid disorder.

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Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested over the course of some months. For some, it manifests quickly. Rapid development of rheumatoidarthritis doesn’t mean that the person is at a higher risk for the progress of the condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that can last for years with no symptoms. However, it is a condition that gets worse and could cause joint damage and impairment. Most patients experience periods of severe or light symptoms. Based on the statistics, rheumatoid occurs three times more prevalent among women than males. It also affects all races equally. Rheumatoid arthritis can start at any time, but it tends to usually begin in the late fortys.

What is the cause of rheumatoid arthritis? The reality is that the causes are not yet known. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi have been long suspected, but none has been proved to be the reason. The causes of rheumatoid arthritis have been the focus of various research efforts. There are some researchers who believe that the propensity to develop rheumatoid arthritis could be genetically transmitted. Others believe that certain elements in the environment could trigger your immune system’s response to fight the body’s tissues and components. The result is inflammation of different organs, including the lungs and eyes.

Researchers have also discovered that environmental influences could contribute to the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Researchers have also found that smoking tobacco can increase the chance of developing arthritis rheumatoid.

The signs and symptoms of rheumatoidarthritis are based on the severity of inflammation in the tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis is believed to be present when tissues of the body are inflamed. If the inflammation of tissues decreases it is believed that rheumatoid arthritis has come to be in Remission. Remissions can happen by themselves or as a result of treatment. They can last for months, weeks and even years. In the case of active rheumatoid symptoms are experienced. The symptoms can include an appetite loss, fatigue as well as low grade fever and joint and muscle aches. The stiffness of joints and muscles is generally felt in the mornings and after an extended period of absence. In the relapses (from being inactive to becoming active) of rheumatoid arthritis joints turn painful, red, swollen and tender. The reason for this is that the tissues that line the joints becomes damaged, which leads to the excessive production of fluids in joints.

Multiple joints tend to be involved in an asymmetrical pattern of inflammation and joints on both wrists and hands are frequently affected. Simple tasks like turning the knob of the door and opening the jars may be painful. Rheumatoid arthritis may also affect the joint that is responsible for tightening the vocal cords, which alter the tone of voice, but it is not often. When this happens it may result in hoarseness or a slurring of voice.

As previously mentioned the rheumatoid joint is a chronic disease that can affect different organs and parts of the body apart from joints. Sjorgen’s Syndrome is an swelling of glands that line the mouth and eyes which results in dryness. Rheumatoid inflammation in the lung lining can trigger chest pains due to the fact that the lung tissue is inflamed. nodules of inflammation can also form in the lung. Rheumatoid arthritis also decreases the amount in red blood cells, which may cause anemia and white blood cells that can cause an increase in the chances of contracting infections. A rare, serious side effect of the rheumatic arthritis is inflammation of blood vessels that can reduce blood flow to tissues, and eventually lead to tissue death.

A rheumatologist is a physician who is specialized in arthritis and related illnesses. The rheumatologist analyzes the symptoms’ history and examines joints as well as other areas of the body to find the signs of inflammation. The diagnosis is typically determined by the pattern of symptoms, location of the joint that is inflamed as well as the blood and scans taken.

There is currently no cure that has been identified for the condition known as rheumatoid arthritis. Reduce joint inflammation and pain and maximizing joint function and preventing joint damage is the goal of current research in the treatment of rheumatoidarthritis. Medical intervention early has proven to enhance results in the treatment. A good treatment strategy is to combine medication as well as joint strengthening exercises joint protection, as well as education for patients. Treatment is tailored to various factors, including diseases, the type of joints involved as well as overall health and age and the occupation. The most successful treatment happens when there is a close partnership between the physician and the patient.