
Best Real Estate Promotion Techniques

For many people, their idea of real estate promotion may include showing up at the local county courthouse and knocking on the door of a real estate agent. For others, it may involve passing out business cards with local contact information and making sales calls to homes for sale. If you’re not quite sure where your special niche is for real estate promotion, though, don’t fret. Here are a few ideas that can help you get off on the right foot and make your first real estate investment in your new town.


Real Estate Promotion Tip Number 1: Go get Swag. Leave The Office. While it’s a fact that fewer people like working from the office, more people love swag. Give away some swag-worthy promotional products such as business cards, mugs, pens, flyers, and tees to people who can prove they are open to hearing about your new real estate business.

Real Estate Marketing Tip Number 2: Drive Leads To Your Busy Office. A new tactic for real estate promotion is to use hot list marketing to drive leads to your busy office. A hot list is simply a list of past clients or potential clients compiled by you or one of your outsourcers. These lists can be bought in bulk for less than a dollar per lead depending on how much lead time you want to invest. By driving leads to your office, you can free up a lot of time for you to spend generating new clients and closing more sales.