
The Differences Between Web Designer and Web Developer

Web design encompasses a variety of disciplines and skills in the creation and maintenance of web sites. The various disciplines of web design also include web graphic design; web authoring, which includes proprietary software and standardised coding; web user interface design; visualisation, including research and developmental work; and navigation, which includes shopping carts and links. Web design also covers web content such as text, graphics, fonts, images, video, and interactive features. Designers have to ensure that websites are attractive, easy to use, and user friendly.

Nashville website development

The term “web designer” is often used in place of “web developer”, although there is some degree of overlap between the two professions. A web designer is responsible for coming up with the layout and appearance of the site, along with the functionality, usability, and appearance. While developers create the actual code that runs on the site.

In order to develop a website, it is often necessary to hire a professional web designer and a web developer. The former is responsible for coming up with the actual layout and appearance, while the latter creates the actual code that runs on the site. Web developers often carry out research and development work, as well as testing out websites before they are made available to the public. There is sometimes interchangeability between the two roles, but web design requires a more skilled and more trained eye than web development.