
Servant Leadership Traits Are Essential For Developing Others’ Skills

The characteristics of servant leadership are based on the basic value that humans have to offer each other and an honor to do a noble job. The servant-leader shows respect by communicating honestly with subordinates, conveying messages clearly, and consistently doing the best job he can. A leader who takes a back seat and watches from a distance is not truly a servant leader.

Kurt Uhlir — conference speaker

One of the most common servant leadership traits is the willingness to follow the leaders example. By doing so, followers are given a role model to emulate, which will make them better leaders themselves. Leaders encourage people to seek out knowledge and expertise because it helps improve everyone’s skills. In addition, leaders help people get personally involved in the success of their teams, realizing the importance of teamwork.

The willingness to serve others develops self-leadership, which is vital for developing others’ abilities. People are naturally sociable and thrive when they feel as though they’re being respected and needed. When a leader takes a back seat and watches from a distance, he or she does not encourage sharing, giving people less of what they need to succeed. While being a part of a larger group is a great way to succeed, serving others in various aspects of life such as leadership is an essential quality of true servant leadership traits.