
How to Stimulate Collagen Growth

Collagen is the protein found naturally in the body, and if you’re interested in keeping your skin youthful, you need to increase your intake of collagen. Although it’s found in every part of the body, it has various functions. When it comes to your skin, it’s responsible for its fullness, elasticity, and radiance. When your skin has less collagen, it looks aged, and that can make you want to stimulate the growth of new collagen.

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There are many ways to stimulate collagen production, and the most common is through laser or injectable therapies. Using a radiofrequency machine to treat your skin is another way to promote new collagen production. These treatments are safe, because they use low-energy radiofrequency waves. The radiation levels are similar to those of WiFi and microwaves. The FDA-cleared technologies have safety checks in place to ensure your safety. These machines have a temperature that’s ideal for neocollagenesis, and they’re also designed to prevent overheating.

Another way to stimulate collagen is through microneedling, which is a treatment that involves a professional performing the procedure. While this method is effective, it can also be painful and require several sessions. Depending on the severity of the condition, microneedling may cost as much as $700. To see results, it is recommended to go to a professional and invest in several treatments. A touchup session will be required every three to four months.

Radiofrequency treatments are another way to encourage the body’s own collagen production. These technologies emit electromagnetic waves that are low-energy and comparable to WiFi and microwaves. In addition, these methods are safe and effective for your skin, with FDA-cleared technologies. These safe, low-energy devices ensure that the radiation level is safe for your skin. You can expect minimal downtime and no invasive surgery. If you’d like to learn more about radiofrequency treatment, call Dr. Wendy E. Roberts’ office today. The cosmetic procedures she offers are more affordable and easier to get than you might think.

The benefits of a treatment are often dramatic. It helps your skin repair damaged tissue, and stimulates collagen production in your skin. In addition to collagen growth, a collagen-building cream can also boost the production of this protein in the skin. The treatments work by causing controlled injuries in the layer of collagen, which the body will then repair. They can also be combined with a professional microneedling solution to enhance the results and minimize the downtime of the procedure.

Intense pulsed light therapy is another option for stimulating collagen production. These procedures involve using radiofrequency waves to target specific parts of the body. They are similar to WiFi and microwaves in terms of energy, and they have minimal effects on the body. The treatments are a good choice for those with aging skin. However, you should be aware of the risks involved with this procedure. If you are interested in this procedure, be sure to schedule an initial consultation to get the best results.