
Do Bodyguard Jobs Make You Feel Secure?

Do bodyguard jobs make you feel secure? If the answer is yes then you need to look at a few things. If you are doing an honest day’s work as a bodyguard and you get called out to defend a client, you will have to go through what is known as the ‘shocking’. This is when you must show confidence and wear a confident and appealing uniform that will make you look and feel confident. The uniform should not be too tight or loose and should definitely not appear like a panda bear or anything off putting.

The best bodyguards wear a corporate suit and carry a briefcase with them, which makes them look and feel more important than an ordinary bodyguard. They should also have thick dark clothes and carry a weapon that has their name on it. It would be a good idea to have a name card that states your name, telephone number, and that you are a bodyguard working for security services. Bodyguards should always have identification cards pinned to their shirt or waist band, this will make them easily identifiable in the event of an emergency.

Bodyguards feel even more secure if they know that their employer and family are all safe and happy. They also feel more confident and prepared if they can relax and trust the person that they are protecting, the client. You will learn the importance of building relationships when you are hired to guard a client. You must build trust with your client to feel completely secure that they are safe with you protecting them. Hire close protection confidence and feeling of satisfaction as you protect your clients are what will make you feel secure.