
Air Conditioning Installation Basics – A Guide

A dependable air conditioning installation service assures effective system operation and optimal use of energy. The average household will save up to twenty percent in home cooling expenses. This translates into substantial savings in utility bills year-round. Hiring professionals to perform air conditioning installation ensures the highest quality system available.

In most cases, the air conditioning installation process doesn’t require any special tools or skills of the air conditioning installer. Instead, it requires basic handyman skills. It’s best to have a contractor install your system so you don’t have to. If you choose to attempt the project yourself, be sure to educate yourself about how air conditioning units work. You may want to hire a contractor for additional peace of mind. When the job is done properly, your system should run more efficiently and your energy bill should reflect the difference.

Air Conditioning Installation – General Contractor Advice The National Air Conditioning Association (NACA) recommends using the following air conditioning installation codes for your house: Energy star, HVAC, & HVAC Excellence. These three codes ensure that the contractor you hire complies with all the applicable laws & regulations. Not all contractors are experts in all three of these codes. Be sure to verify that your contractor and his workers are licensing to work according to these standards.

If your contractor isn’t licensed to work with these codes, he may not be able to install your new air conditioner according to local building codes. You would also run the risk of having your new air conditioning installation turned down by your local HVAC provider. If you choose to try to install the new air conditioner yourself, make sure you educate yourself about AC installation and electrical work. Make sure your do-it-yourselfer doesn’t get into any electrical trouble while installing your new air conditioning system.

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If you’re having your air conditioning installation done by a home improvement professional, be sure he or she is licensed with the HVAC industry as well. This will ensure your technician is trained in both the latest technologies and that you have peace of mind that your system is being installed correctly. Also, be sure that your contractor is insured. Although there are now several AC repair companies that specialize in air conditioning installation and repair, not all of them are covered under insurance.

Many HVAC installers won’t take on jobs, unless they are particularly experienced. Ask your contractor if he or she has the skills and knowledge to successfully complete an air conditioning installation or electrical installation job. It’s better to be safe than sorry. With that in mind, don’t hire inexperienced do-it-yourselfers to perform electrical work. They may end up damaging your new HVAC system beyond repair.